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What is Indifference?

What is indifference?

A mini introduction will do, just for us to engage ourselves into this discussion and will maybe help to expose the hidden self which can be solved or suppressed. 

Indifference, also known as apathy is a state in which we don’t care or don’t take action on something happening around us. People who are indifferent can be seen as cold, disinterested, demotivated, and lacking in passion. Indifference may occur when the problems of our life, our families, our communities, our country, and our world may seem so overwhelming that we feel quite powerless to do anything about them. This means that even when we notice what is going on around us, we may feel unable to make a difference. Instead of trying we opt to just let things be and move on with our lives. 


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  4. Being apathetic and indifference? How does being apathetic different from you, or in what context?

  5. I have a friend that's like this and it's sad that an individual can't sympathize with others

  6. I was once like this and believe me, its not nice. I am slowly coming out of my comfort zone and being alive because I can not always be alone and there are times where I will need help from others.

  7. I feel like this a lot and it's not a nice feeling, believe me.

  8. I want to believe hore sometimes it's not being indifferent. The situations are the ones forcing us to not be active in anyhow


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